Monday, September 20, 2010

Cycle of self-destruction

Sometimes I feel like I can do it, like it all means something.

Like maybe one day I won't weigh 170 kilos.

Like maybe one day I'll walk past a pretty girl in the street on a mildly windy day, sweep back my hair, and she'll be so struck by how god damn handsome I am that like in a terrible movie, time for her will slow down, and I'll continue walking, in slow motion, the epitome of cool. I want to, just once, have that effect on a woman.

Then I realize that I haven't left the house this weekend, the only liquid I've drunk is coca cola, and that all I've eaten is bad carbs. As this sinks in, I start thinking about how much of a dumbass I am, about how because of behaviour like this all my hard work means nothing.

Then I eat some more, and think about nothing for twenty minutes.

This is my thought process. This is my pattern of self-destruction.

How the hell do I beat something like that? How do I stay positive?

The hardest time for me is in the evenings, when I get home from work,  and in the weekends, which is silly, because that is when I actually have time to cook, but for some reason can never be bothered, and often I fantasize about all the fattening foods I want to eat but SHOULD never touch, sometimes to the point where I pick up a phone and actually order them.

Food is my drug, my addiction.

But unlike most junkies, who will swear they need the smack to live, I really do need food to live. I'll never be free of it, of this need for it.

And that scares the hell out of me. I feel... helpless, powerless, like I'm just in the middle of some nightmare that I can magically wake up from.


  1. Hey Conductor Cat,

    Maybe you just need someone to push you in the right direction.

    Like those drug addicts maybe you need a Helper.
    To help stop those "bad" food cravings, and remind you of the path you've chosen to go.

    If you don't buy "bad" foods to snack on, and plan out your meals, it does get easier.

    I'm not tiny, I watch what I eat. My Mum is a little on the chubby side, so I know I will eventually have to battle the bulge as much as she has had to.

    If you only buy the foods you will eat, and cook, for yourself. And save the extra cash for some sort of healthy treat- ten pin bowling? or a concert? or a new computer game? Soon you won't be craving the bad stuff, you'll be happy with the extra cash. And the little extra thing you splash out on will help get you feeling better.

    Healthy body starts with a healthy mind.

    Keep the positive thoughts coming!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Benny i,ve read many's great you're open about stuff.
    At this time I have not a lot to say and you know why I guess.
